Licensed Massage Therapist: Journey Of 2 Clueless Victims That Did

Licensed Massage Therapist.



Or should I say, us?

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Why We Could Never Be Licensed Massage Therapist


Iโ€™m the kid that avoided topics like Anatomy, Physiology & Kinesiology in school.  My educational attainments revolved around Psychology and Communication but certainly not anything related to hard science.


As you read please consider sharing your own journey in the comments below.  I spent a lot of time putting this together for your enjoyment and look forward to reading about your own journey into becoming a Licensed Massage Therapist.


Sheโ€™s the one with the learning disability that would preclude her even having a chance of passing a national exam which most states require for people to become a Massage Therapist Professional.

Now in are mid 50โ€™s the absolute last thing in the world we had in mind was going back to school.

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Until we did.

And then?

Early November 2018 we graduated.


But the MBLEX remained solidly in our way.

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However, Iโ€™m getting ahead of myself.  In this article, I will share how and why we became Licensed Massage Therapist ‘s.

We both have different reasons why we would never do what we have never done.

We both have different reasons this attainment would never be possible.

We both have much stronger answers for why not than why.

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And yet, here we are.

Licensed Massage Therapist ‘s.

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And what follows is our story on how it all happened.

We hope you enjoy delving into a piece of our history in motion.

Irene Steps Into The Massage Therapist Chair

Letโ€™s start with LMT Irene Siverson from Rapid City, SD.

The practical application of massage has always been in her blood.

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She would have friends contact her requesting a free massage.

They would suggest going to school so that they could pay her for the work.

Her heart has always been one of compassion for the hurting.

Perhaps because she knows what it feels like to hurt largely because of traffic accidents.

Most notably was our side swipe received in August of 2015 while traversing the country on my first, to date, and only 1600 mile solo bicycle ride. 

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That was the year of the Idaho fires.

Boy do I remember them.



And peddles.

But that is a story for another day.

Here I will only reflect on glass flying everywhere with myself clueless to what was happening.

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She on the other hand turned and pulled at my arm.  The truck was coming in on my door.  10 miles faster and I would likely not be here today.

It was in this position that impact happened.

She also knows what it feels like to live with the hurting.

As the story goes, her father twisted his ankle in a hole while carrying something heavy in his younger days.

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Ever since then he has had to deal with pain.

Due to these two episodes and others like them Irene has had to deal with pain both in her own body and the bodies of those that she loves.

The end result?

She cares.

But pass an exam?

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That would take a miracle from God. 

I would seek unto God, and unto God would I commit my cause: Which doeth great things and unsearchable; marvellous things without number: – Job 5:8-9

One that she had classified as unattainable for her.

Until now.

And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. – Luke 18:27

So off we went to school in Hermosa SD. 

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It was hard for her.

It was hard for me.

But we both made it through school as graduates with the MBLEX now staring us in the face. 

It had a horrible smile on its face.

Must have been kin to what Goliath felt when challenging the Israelites. 

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And to think that a kid would take him down.

No kidding.

Guy Enters Into the Massage Therapy Body Of Knowledge

But wait, we are missing an important part of the story.

At about halfway through the training God prompted me to look for a job online in Rapid City, SD.

How crazy.

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No one would want a pre-graduate stepping into their Licensed Massage Therapist chair of influence.

But thatโ€™s where we met the fine people of Massage Advantage.

Everything was golden from the start until we found out they would need an office.

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A what?

Iโ€™m in school.

Whatโ€™s more.

Iโ€™m broke.

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I have no funds for an office even if I had one.  This part of the story gets even more interesting but suffice it to say we had no office and no funds for anything that resembled a Licensed Massage Therapist office.

What would we do?

What did we do?

We signed papers agreeing to link arms with Massage Advantage and prayed for a miracle.

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Becoming Active Licensed Massage Therapist Professionals

In the meantime, we found ourselves on a mobile Massage Therapist outing in Chadron NE. 

It was part of our practicum required for graduating from massage school

About 1.5 hours from where we live.

There was a lady their cutting hair.

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She cut my hair.

And she talked about her great excitement over water.

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Water is water I thought.

I took her business card just so she would leave me alone.

My plan worked.

She did.

I was able to focus on massage.

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Little did I realize that the Holy Spirit was going to play a roll in this entire process.

Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. – John 16:13

Back home I was going through paperwork when I heard His voice of prompting.

It had something to do with the business card of that water lady.

He wanted me to call her.

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I reminded Him that she lived 1.5 hours away in a flat state.

His promptings got louder.

I complied.

Guess what the topic of discussion was.

Yup, your right.


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Tapping on The Door of Our Massage Therapist Spa

I remained passively interested till she told me she knew of a couple here in Rapid that had a water store.


Could it be possible?

Would it be possible?

Long story short, we met, and an offer was made for us to join The Fountain of Youth here in Rapid City.

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We accepted.

The Licensed Massage Therapist body of services soon became part of The Fountain of Youth on Mt Rushmore in Rapid City SD.

Weโ€™ve been here for just about 6 months now.

Much has happened in those 6 months including an abundance of study for the dreaded MBLEX.

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Want to know what happened?

How did the test go?

Iโ€™ll share that in just a moment.

But first, a bit more about my background.

I come from the highly medical field of Online Marketing.

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Right, not medical at all.

I got here after looking at my blood pressure one day.


Those numbers were not good.

Deadly, in fact.

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Having lived such a sedentary life had not done me any favors.

We knew something needed to happen fast.

And it did.

Everything came together quite quickly just like a fine-tuned engine.

We would soon find ourselves entering our new state on our second missionary journey.

South Dakota.

Go here for a free read of our first missionary journey.

Today my blood pressure is typically in the 130/65 range.

I refused mainline medicine, so I know thatโ€™s not what made the change.

Iโ€™m a vegan so it had nothing to do with what I chose to ingest.

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Well, almost nothing.

Or maybe it was something, but not the focus of this article.

The point is that today my blood pressure is doing great.

Even with the dreaded MBLEX stress.

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Mobile Massage Therapist Family Heads to Casper WY

By some miracle we had accomplished every goal on the way to our Licensed Massage Therapist spa success.


South Dakota.




1601 Mt Rushmore Rd in Rapid City SD.

We just had one thing left on our minds.

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We were so concerned about taking this test that we studied for 6 months after graduation.

Those ended last week.

It was time to face our Goliath.

So, off my wife and I went to Casper WY.

We both felt that the MBLEX was tough.

Scratch that.

It was tough.

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Fact is we both in separate cubicles were stressing over what would happen when we failed.

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We certainly werenโ€™t passing.

The questions were crazy.

My wife was out of the room first.

Only fair since she started first.

I quickly joined her eager to hear how it had gone for her.

I saw tears streaming down her eyes and wasnโ€™t sure if I was to be happy or sorrowful. 

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She whispered.

I listened.

All I heard was the word PASS.

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We joyfully held each other close.


The same word had appeared on my test results.

We had both successfully defeated our dreaded enemy.

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We were now officially Licensed Massage Therapist ‘s.

Frequently Asked Questions About Massage Therapists

What does a Massage Therapist do?

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LONG ANSWER: It depends on what the need of the client is. What Rapid City massage therapy by Graceful Touch would do for someone to relax would be entirely different from what we do if muscles are tight.

Our customized approach to massage appears to be appreciated by the masses:

I have never had a more thorough massage in my life! And any questions I had were answered with advanced knowledge. This will definitely be my future massage home! Thank you so much? – Stephanie

Why do I love being a Massage Therapist?

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I don’t.

Well, at least I didn’t. In fact, I wouldn’t have even ever considered being a Massage Therapist till I found myself returning to school to do exactly that.


I don’t fly in the same circle as these topics:

* Anatomy (Study of bones)
* Pysiology (Study of body)
* Kiniseology (Study of movement)
* Pathology (Study of disease)

Or at least I didn’t think I did until I found the truth that I actually love the topics. Not more than watching people in pain escape their pain.

Wait till you hear my wife’s story, it is equally amazing.

Do you have to be๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฟ strong to be a Massage Therapist?

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To do traditional Deep Tissue massage?


But we don’t work that way and our clients are speaking out about the difference Graceful Touch massage therapy is making in their lives.

Guy at Graceful Touch massage is the most effective massage therapist that’s ever worked on me. Very professional and he’s extremely proficient and knowledgeable about the process. He explains what he feels as he’s working on you and what I like best is he’ll find a sore area, work on that area and then when he’s completed the tissue massage he’ll show you how effective it was by showing you how much the pain has subsided or how much more easily it is to bend or move further than before the condition you came in with. I’m an extremely happy patient. – Stew

What do Massage๐Ÿ‘จโ€โš•๏ธ Therapists learn?

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We learn things about the body that we had no clue of. We are created so amazingly and looking into the body as a study shows that full force.

We also learn how to massage people in a way that leaves them coming back for more as this testimonial clearly indicates.

I have been getting massages for twenty years, in four states. Guy and Irene give me the best massages I have ever had. They are so consciencious, professional, and thorough. I have a lot of pain in my neck and low back. Irene is able to relax my muscles using messages to give me relief. I recommend them to everyone. – Jeanette

What are the๐Ÿ‘ฟ cons of being a Massage Therapist?

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The biggest one I can think of is being in a darkened room for hours on end as you work with the clients you serve.

As it relates to Graceful Touch which is owned and operated by my wife Irene and myself we also learn the finer principals of running our own business. It’s not easy, but the reward of watching how people respond is amazing.

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Guy is a dedicated vegan, who prefers natural remedies to treat root causes of physiological problems, instead of turning to medication to merely treat symptoms. When he learned in December 2017 he was suffering from high blood pressure (hypertension), he turned to massage as a potential answer for his problem. Rather than engage massage as a client, Guy chose to become a massage practitioner and enrolled in the Black Hills School of Massage in Hermosa, SD. He is now licensed to provide Swedish, Deep Tissue and Trigger Point massage among other modalities. He, and his wife Irene who is also a massage practitioner, have joined forces with the Fountain of Youth Waterstore in Rapid City where they provide clients with comforting relief from body aches and pains. Be sure to ask Guy what happened with his blood pressure when you see him for your initial treatment session.

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