Looking for a Physical Therapist offices in Rapid City?

Here is a list of 10+ clinics for you to consider.
Physical Therapist offices Table Of Contents
The Physical Therapy Center
High Plains Physical Therapy Associates
PT-OT Professionals
SOAR Physical Therapy
ProMotion Physical Therapy – Baken Park
ProMotion Physical Therapy – Fifth Street
About You Physical Therapy
Physio Performance
Regional Health Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy
Sundog Rehabilitation, LLC
Black Hills Orthopedic & Spine Center
Physical Therapy Listings
The Physical Therapy Center
ADDRESS: 1110 W Omaha St # 3, Rapid City
CONTACT: (605) 721-5950
WEBSITE: The Physical Therapy Center

High Plains Physical Therapy Associates
ADDRESS: 614 East Blvd, Rapid City
CONTACT: (605) 348-9530
WEBSITE: High Plains Physical Therapy Associates

PT-OT Professionals
ADDRESS: 2001 7th St, Rapid City
CONTACT: (605) 716-6474
WEBSITE: PT-OT Professionals

SOAR Physical Therapy
ADDRESS: 2822 Jackson Blvd Suite 202, Rapid City
CONTACT: (605) 342-9575
WEBSITE: SOAR Physical Therapy

ProMotion Physical Therapy – Baken Park
ADDRESS: 741 Mountain View Rd Suite A-2, Rapid City
CONTACT: (605) 399-9565
WEBSITE: ProMotion Physical Therapy – Baken Park

ProMotion Physical Therapy – Fifth Street
ADDRESS: 4141 5th St, Rapid City
CONTACT: (605) 399-9565
WEBSITE: ProMotion Physical Therapy – Fifth Street

About You Physical Therapy
ADDRESS: 5622 Sheridan Lake Rd #105, Rapid City
CONTACT: (605) 721-3307
WEBSITE: About You Physical Therapy

Physio Performance
ADDRESS: 405 Canal St STE 1000, Rapid City
CONTACT: (605) 716-7748
WEBSITE: Physio Performance

Regional Health Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy
ADDRESS: 1635 Caregiver Circle, Rapid City
CONTACT: (605) 755-1100
WEBSITE: Regional Health Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy

Sundog Rehabilitation, LLC
ADDRESS: 3064 Covington St # 104, Rapid City
CONTACT: (605) 787-2719
WEBSITE: Sundog Rehabilitation, LLC

Black Hills Orthopedic & Spine Center
ADDRESS: 7220 Mount Rushmore Rd Rapid City
CONTACT: (605) 341-1414
WEBSITE: Black Hill Orthopedic & Spine Center

Physical Therapy and Massage Therapy Working Together
What follows is our directory listing of more than 25 options when it comes to including massage in your physical therapy recovery program. Rehabilitating the body takes a lot of work which is exactly why you should consider working these two disciplines together for your ultimate restorative success.
Something to consider as you check out these following directory links.
- 10+ Massage Therapists Offices Near Me In Rapid City Listed – Roundup
- 10+ Massage Therapist In Rapid City Listed – Roundup
- 10+ Massage Therapy Services Nearby In Rapid City Listed β Roundup
As I learn of details and data that has become outdated it will be my endeavor to update each and every one of these directories. By providing your input on new arrivals, changes and/or closures it would be great if you would comment your details below.
Why Massage Therapy Should be Integrated into Physical Therapy
Incorporating massage therapy into physical therapy can be very beneficial. Massage therapy helps in stress relief as well as relaxation of the whole body. This is very useful to people having physical therapy since they undergo a lot of stress which should be managed calmly. Additionally, massage therapy can be used to orient the whole body to the changing environment. Therefore, an active physiotherapy session should always integrate massage therapy to optimize the entire process.
To confirm the importance of integrating massage therapy in physiotherapy, research was conducted by Mark Tarnopolsky in 2012. This researcher from McMaster University, which is located in Canada took a sample of muscle tissue to observe any difference with and without massage therapy.
The research paper concluded that the recovery time for the patient who complimented massage in physiotherapy was significantly shorter. Additionally, the tissues that were exposed to massage had stronger muscles, which should be a key focus at any physical therapy session.
The report also concluded that massage helps the body in converting protein into energy. This is very important since a Physical Therapist focuses on regaining patients strength with minimal injuries. Physical therapy also comes with severe inflammation, especially in the joints. Integrating a Massage Therapist can promote better healing, which is free from the pain that comes with inflammation. Though inflammation is essential in signaling the body to heal damaged tissues, it can cause other chronic conditions since it affects the immune system.
Applying compression along the ‘energy highwayβ can free trauma from the injured areas. Energy meridians can be mapped easily by an expert since they flow with the human body. Active release techniques can also be used to achieve the same but pain management is a challenge. A Massage Therapist can aid in this by helping patients in pain management.
Breathing patterns can also be improved by a Massage Therapist. It is believed that calm breathing patterns can aid in stress management, which is a common problem at any physiotherapy clinic. Injured people get stressed by the sudden change of lifestyle that comes with injury and restoring peace of mind is crucial.
A Physical Therapist can manage musculoskeletal disorders or MSDS, such as back pain. This condition affects body movement to the extent of not working. Some of-of the symptoms connected to this condition are hand-arm vibration and neck tension. This treatment may cause severe pain, especially in the joint. A Massage Therapist can sooth the itchy parts to reduce pain.
The Neurological Therapist also requires a Massage Therapist to create body awareness before treatment. This focuses on treating people with movement problems caused by chronic diseases or even physical injuries. The common cause of this condition includes brain injury, stroke, spine injury, or cerebral palsy. Neurological disorders can only be treated by improving muscles strength and limb responsiveness. Massage therapy can do this best by soothing of body tissues.
Massage therapy also plays a significant role in Geriatric treatment. Old age can come with a range of medical conditions such as arthritis, balance disorders, and joint replacement. Through the help of a Physical Therapist, the mobility of older people Is improved. All the same, the physical activities involved may cause a lot of pain which can be managed by a Massage Therapist. This also boosts the circulation of blood thus making older people feel more relaxed.
Getting massage is a great way to prevent and also manage many other medical conditions. A tender sooth of the whole body can reduce muscle ache, improve mood and sleep, which is very necessary for injured people.
What do you need to know about traditional Thai massage?
If you have only had the Swedish or deep muscle massage, you will realize that Thai massage is different from what you know. What makes Thai massage different is the fact that you will be able to wear a loose-fitting clothing that is normally provided by the therapist. You will lie on the mat and the therapist will be moving your body in various positions to stretch your muscles.
Are the massage therapists offering remote or virtual services?
You need to contact the massage therapist about the possibility of offering these services remotely so as you can receive the instructions virtually to carry out massage on your partner. It will be awesome learning.
Can I get massage services while social distancing?
For massage to take place, there should be person contact which is risky as far as infections of corona virus is concerned. If you ask your local therapist, you can receive lessons on how to massage your partner.
LMT Guy Siverson
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