Are you looking for a Massage Therapist in Rapid City? Skip To The Massage Therapists Directory For This Page This following list and its two companion pieces will help you uncover the details you need to locate a full body massage therapy program for individuals or couples massage for back pain and beyond. Massage […]
Massage Therapist
How I Escaped Danger W/ Biking Dehydration By 1 Simple Act Of Kindness
Thanks for asking for the rest of the story about facing dehydration. To recap. This was the first day of a 1600 mile solo bike ride. I’d never done anything like this before. And… I just turned 50. Many things had happened this year of my life. Not the least of which was my first […]
Licensed Massage Therapist: Journey Of 2 Clueless Victims That Did
Licensed Massage Therapist. Who? Me? Or should I say, us? Why We Could Never Be Licensed Massage Therapist Hardly. I’m the kid that avoided topics like Anatomy, Physiology & Kinesiology in school. My educational attainments revolved around Psychology and Communication but certainly not anything related to hard science. STOP As you read please consider sharing […]