Intro to the Intro to Ionized Water

Part 1: Free Radicals & Antioxidants
Part 2: Water Quality & Your Cells
Part 3: 100 Trillion Cells
Part 4: Dehydration
Part 5: Antioxidants at Work
Introduction to Ionized Water Q&A
Part 6: The Essential Role of pH in Digestion

Is drinking🌊 alkaline water good?
The human body needs some minerals to function correctly✔. Some of the essential minerals include calcium and magnesium. Alkaline water is💡rich in all those minerals, and it can help in maintaining the recommended PH levels,
Why do they use 🚰alkaline water?
Acidity in human cells in a major cause of🙍 illness. Drinking ionized water can solve this by maintaining the right✔ PH levels. A water ionizer is a home appliance used to convert tap water to alkaline water.
How often should I drink🚾 alkaline water?
Starting with low amounts a day and then increase with time works best✔ for many people. This will help you study the way your body responds to the Alkaline water.
Do alkaline water 🌱act as anti-bacteria?
Experiments show that ionized water can kill the majority of 🐻bacteria, except for a few.
LMT Guy Siverson
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